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Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance

Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance

Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance

Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance  shipping from Vietnam Thailand

There are a lot of risks in claiming from a insured (policy holder) to against insurance companies on consignments of a Rice cargo in shipping from Warehouses or Ports of a exporter in Vietnam and Thailand to a National importer.

A Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance shipping from Vietnam Thailand can be called Pre-loading and loading survey services

The white rice exporting countries in Asia

  • Vietnam (Biggest exporter as Ho Chi Minh city – Sai Gon main Port)

  • Thailand (Second exporter as as Ko Sichang main port)

  • China (buyers and reseller)

  • India (buyers and reseller)\

  • Other

The white rice importing countries in Africa and other

  • A most of countries in Africa

  • Philippines

  • Indonesia

  • Cuba

  • Iraq

  • Bangladesh

  • Some other countries

The risks of complaints arising from

A Quality Rice cargo

Main risks of claiming come from the harvest, the moisture content, the type of cargo, the weathers, the atmospheric humidity, milling degree, mixing of many different type of cargo, older rice stockpiles harvested, and handling and processing technique, the commercial fraud, specification of quality rice and other.

A Packing and packages

Risks of claiming come from the storage duration and method, material of packing, the condition of weather period of the packed, weighing and weight of each package or bag, labor, handling packaging of rice, environment at packing area, drying of rice, marking,

A Domestic transport (warehouse of supplier to ports)

Risks of claiming come from loading of rice bags from the supplier’s to barges, lighters and trucks, stowage, handling and transportation duration of rice cargo from warehouses of suppliers to ship or place of loading, season and climate, weather and environment, condition of inland waterway vehicles and its ventilation systems, activities of owner’s bags and trucks.

A Loading & Stowage

Risks of claiming come from theft,  condition of trucks, condition of barges, condition of container and condition of cargo holds of motor vessel/ship, structure of hatches & its watertight, material of dunnage and method of lashing, container’s and ship’s ventilation of cargo holds; ventilation channel of rice packages, stevedore’s activities, duty of crew & master, the holds, the loaded, the stowed, the trimmed, the tallied, the lashed and/or secured and  quantity of each shipment, tropical rainfalls season, ships’ equipment for loading and lashing,

A Shipping at sea

Risks of claiming come from voyage duration, condition of sea environment, morphology of wind and steam,  weather, tropical stormy, duty of crew & master in navigation, climate of exporting country, climate of importing country, barometric pressure, temperature, wind and climate regions, natural rice properties, daylight and night, air temperatures, water condensation of the rice cargo, water condensation of the cargo holds, containers, seaworthiness, contractual responsibilities time charterers,

A Discharging & Delivery

Risks of claiming come from pilferage of cargo, a high risk zones, the poverty and habit, the duty leviable on short landed cargo, the delay, the conformity, spilled goods, torn cargo, sweeping cargo, and contaminated goods, outurn of cargo, shortlanded, damaged, leakage, pilferage, wetted, act or neglect,

A Receipt and Domestic transportation (from discharging ports to receiver’s warehouses)

AIM’s surveyors expertise and services



Tally and survey services must be conducted at preloading, commencement of loading and throughout the loading operation, resuming and completed handling.


See more A Risk claims loss prevention of Rice cargo in insurance shipping from Vietnam Thailand in details

A Risk claims loss expertise of quality Rice cargo in commercial vs insurance

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