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AIM Group Quality control inspector

AIM Group Quality control inspector

AIM Group Quality control inspector

AIM Group Quality control inspector

AIM Group quality control inspectors (QCI), also called testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers, monitors and the laboratory analyzers nearly all manufactured products to ensure that they meet specified standards.

Also called Quality Assurance Specialist or a Quality control Technician.


What experience do you need to be AIM Group quality control inspector?

The successful Quality control inspectors will have a bachelor's degree in either quality assurance, chemistry, pharmacy or nutrition, as well as a minimum of 10 years of experience


What is the purposes of inspection in quality control at AIM Group?

Quality inspection determines and verifies the quality level of the products to ensure that the results of the manufacturing process are the same as expected with reports.


What is the role of AIM Group’s quality inspector?

Quality inspection is done to reveal the product faults, defects and inform the management team to make a decision to allow or deny product release, purchase, trading.


What are the main services of quality inspection and certification provided by AIM Group?

for Fabication of projects:

  • ITP, mechnical and electrical inspection and report (referring)

For production of purchasing (referring)

  • pre-production inspection (for quality materials and capacity of factory)

  • during production inspection (for identify all defects)

  • pre-shipment inspection (for quality purchasing)

  • container loading/unloading inspections (for quantity and safety shipping)

  • Q&Q inspection certification services

For a ship and newbuilding

  • the ship new building quality control and surveying (referring)

  • the sea trial quality run survey and appoval (referring)


For shipping controlling (referring)


For insurance and adjusting (referring)


What is QCI responsible?

Ensure 100% each product coming out of the production process, complies with all standards and specifications that have been defined and rules items of contract.


What is the difference between a quality inspector and a chief inspector?

At AIM Group, the Chief Inspectors is a manager on top large teams of senior inspectors, site inspectors,  samplers, supervisors, testers and others. He may be the most senior operational response officer or manage assigned specialist policing functions such as supervising,  controlling and reporting all activities.

The Senior Inspectors act as a lead worker for assigned technical staff and may exercise functional, technical, or direct supervision over assigned staff and submit the data of quality inspections for the Chief Inspectors.

At AIM Group, there are Quality control inspectors and QC teams at almost if locals of each country to attend for inspecting over 50 years ago.


The difference in AIM Group's operations, activities and results compared to other inspection companies in terms of quality service

We always check and control in real time every task assigned by customers from the field to the laboratory and departments via network staff teams to bring the best services and independent roles.

Each of our inspectors is responsible for AIMGroup's brand and the benefit of its customers with criteria: honesty firstly.

AIM Control operator has the ability to immediately arrange for a fully qualified and experienced our inspector to be on site to perform the inspection job.

The quality inspection report / certification fully covers all aspects and details that customers expect and meets international standards (and another party of the customer also agrees on our results)

We only accept to provide inspection services to customers when we are 100% sure we thoroughly understand their requirements and have the ability to perform that job in expertise and professional inspections.

At each of AIM Group's branches and headquarters, we have complete equipment and precision machinery to meet customer requirements. In addition, we have a team of experts on duty to solve difficult and urgent situations, promptly reporting, advising customers day and night.

and finally, we have provided quality inspection services to millions of customers including corporations with famous brands in the world, associations, economic arbitration, etc. . crossing all countries and territories for more than 50 years and always trusted and chosen by customers.


We always say "no" to commercial fraud and zero errors!!


Vision: for an increasingly progressive society; so that the AIM Group brand will forever be in the hearts of every customer!

Contact us

Referring: AIMGroup’s product quality inspection and certification

Written : @AIMGroup®

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