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What is the purpose of expediting?
What are the types of expediting?
What are the events of expediting?
What does expediting team mean?

Expediting Services

Expediting, Quality Control and Vendor inspection are an integral part of a projects purchasing activities. AIM Control (AIM Group®) offer a complete range of services. These services comprise, Engineering Inspection of mechanical and electrical equipment at the vendor’s works, complete quality control of plate and tubular steel mills, Pre-shipment Inspection for letter of credit purposes, Expediting at vendor’s works and Technical Capability Audits.

Whether for new construction or ongoing maintenance, AIM inspection and expediting services give confidence that purchased equipment will arrive when required and to the specification requested of the manufacturer.


Field & Desk Expediting

AIM Control Group offers a wide range of services related to Expediting jobs:

  • Shop Auditing and Verification

  • Welding Procedure Specifications Consultation

  • Weld Procedure Review

  • Welder Qualifications Review

  • Welding Consulting

  • Certified Welding Inspections

  • Protective Coatings

  • Dimensional Conformance

  • Functional and Operational Test Witnessing

  • Stop / Control Valve Hydrostatic Testing

  • Casing Hydrostatic Testing

  • Rotor (pump) Over-Speed Testing

  • Final Balance Testing

These services are built to be compatible and can be combined to generate efficiency, consistency and optimization.

Expediting should be incorporated into the project planning at the onset to ensure the required timely delivery.

Expediting service should be implemented independently of inspection activities and be carried out by experienced professional field expeditors who have a sufficient understanding of the material on order to enable them to work with the manufacturer to minimize the time frame for each manufacturing phase as much as is physically and financially possible.

Expediting services may apply at different stages of a project such as fabrication and assembly, rectification work, material deficit, failure on test or inspection, shipment and packing, and submission of documentation.

What is Expediting?

  • This includes: Order status; Inventory of equipment in stock; Design verifications; Progress in Manufacturing, Testing, Packing, Shipment and Delivery. Aim Control’s expediters are on-site to monitor and follow-up on the progress of various critical path tasks. They are there to provide visibility to and assurance of normal progress of fabrication.

  • Expediting requires detailed and quantified analysis of causes and effects throughout the critical path of fabrication of a given piece of equipment, from order to delivery.


What are the key benefits?

  • Minimize unexpected or undesirable delays

  • Minimize costly product deficiency issues

  • Third Party inspection results assure for independent, un-biased results 

Why choose AIM Control?


  • AIM Control (AIM Group®) is the worldwide leader specialized in QHSE&SA services

  • The Group has earned a large number of accreditations and notifications.

Knowledge and Expertise

  • Our qualified local teams are familiar with monitoring and analyzing causes and effects throughout the critical path of fabrication.

  • Our expediters are experienced utilizing specification criteria defined by API, AWWA, AWS, ASTM, ASME, ANSI, IEEE and client project documentation.

  • AIM Control (AIM Group®) Expeditors visit manufacturing plants to ascertain and confirm the pre-manufacturing, manufacturing and post-manufacturing activities through interviews and visual examination

  • Our Expeditors evaluate the actual progress against the scheduled manufacturing progress, which is provided by the vendor at the manufacturing plant. They utilize their experience to determine when tasks must be escalated and offer solutions on how to maintain the scheduled delivery.

  • Our Expeditor visits are generally made to coincide with the milestone activities to assure completion is in line with the production plan.

AIM Control (AIM Group®) Expeditor provides information and is as transparent as possible to our clients, providing real-time fabrication data which includes the following:

Verify that purchasing specifications have been properly understood and applied on-site.

  • Collect and report directions for visits to the supplier at a defined frequency (from client supplied documents).

  • Assure the supplier’s commitment to maintaining the proper level of effort to meet the established production program targets and schedule.

  • Verify that all required steps in the work process / schedules are completed prior to items shipped.

  • Identify difficulties or issues which may affect the time delivery of the client’s products.

  • Assure that any delivery slippage or production performance related problems are raised at the appropriate level in the suppliers’ works

  • Anticipate delivery problems and report accordingly, proposing actions required to prevent the problem.

  • Report remedial actions required to recover production program slippage.

Facilitate communication between client and suppliers.

  • Verify and communicate the achievement of progress claimed by the supplier.

  • Advise of any serious problems or delays anticipated or encountered during visits.

  • Verify that expediting reports are written for each purchase order or sub-order on each supplier that are visited and forwarded to the client for verification and approval prior to shipment of any items.


With employees in the international offices and laboratories covering 140 countries, AIM Control is able to act quickly on its clients' behalf anywhere in the world.

Online Reporting Services

  • Our exclusive password secured extranet, AIM Control (AIM Group®) Group enables clients to monitor progress of their shop inspections worldwide.

  • AIM Control (AIM Group®) Group facilitates follow-up, speeds reporting, and can be customized to specific client needs.

  • Who are your typical clients?

  • Our clients vary in multiple sectors of the market such as: Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Water / Wastewater, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals and other markets


Contact us


Phone: 0903615612

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