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Trip in tow survey approval of certification

Trip in tow survey approval of certification

Trip in tow survey approval of certification

Trip in tow survey approval of certification services for tug, barge, vessel and cargo

How do you make your marine towage fleet navigated safety at Trip in tow from departure to arrival!!!

The surveyor of AIM Control (AIM Group®)  will inspect the tug and the towing gear, the crew of the tug to ensure that the navigational officers have the appropriate licenses in trip in tow survey approval of certification.

AIM Control (AIM Group®)  Inspection Group carrying of the trip in tow inspection and approval of certificate under the marine warranty surveyor at the site and experts in offices to certify and approve its condition are suitable for seaworthiness voyage in maritime route at sea.


AIM Control (AIM Group®)  towage towing vessel inspection (TTVI), which is not part of ordinary or customary trading, requires planning. Owners need to requirement order

  • All plans of trip in tow
  • Cargo & pre loading and lashing plans
  • Loading stowage and Lashing
  • Barge, vessel, off-shore drill and others
  • Crew of the tug
  • Tug boat and tugs
  • Towing gear & arrangement
  • Licenses & Certificates in the navigation
  • Maritime route
  • Bunker and Equipment
  • Weather of route
  • Ports & Ship refuge (next ports)
  • Salvage Plan
  • Sea-fastening
  • Seaworthiness
  • Others


AIM Control (AIM Group®)  marine warranty surveyor carried out the Trip in tow survey approval of certification for tug & two barges to approve of certification in Malaysia to Mexico.

Also see Voyage Approval Survey


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