Gemstones and mineral ores have been exploited and traded in Vietnam and many countries in the world, accompanied by traders or state management need to determine the name of ore and quality gemstones rock.
Many gem trading and trading companies to be carried the name of "KING" and "QUEEN" to attract the attention of the buyer but you dare to believe what their say, commit. . . or not is a completely different matter. Because the seller always insists "our gem and ore products are the best, have been tested and certified"!
So to distinguish "real" or "fake" ore gemstones rock, you need to take the sample sending to AIM for tests and verifying on the name of the gemstones ore and issue a quality certificate or to analyze the quality and content of precious metal contained in gemstones or mineral ores in percentages.
We provide expertise accreditation of type of gemstones ore and quality certification services for
Traders (quality inspection for business and commercial purposes, auctions and prevent cheating).
State management (identify the name of gemstones ore rocks to protect national laws and resources)
Regulation on inspection and assessment forms in the field of gemstones ore rock and quality certification
Receiving a requirement and a subject to expertise examination
The directly sampling and receipt of samples with the requested subjects of ore samples for testing and inspection shall be made in the written record and sealed number.
In the case that the customer requests a direct sample, AIM will have the inspector take the sample directly at the site, sealing of samples, make a written record under the witness of all concerned parties and witnesses.
AIM Control (AIM Group®) only receives documents required for expertise in right subject and requiring.
Relevant documents or samples courier to AIM, it is identified in sealed and intact condition, before being opened, we must always carefully check the seal and take a photo of the record (if sent by post).
For requisition is invalid, AIM will return the samples to requester / customer with the explained reason in clear.
When the inspection is completed, AIM will re-delivery the samples to the agency or the requester, if required at the time of delivery or take the sample.
Inspection dossier verifying name of gemstones ore rocks and quality certification
Inspection records are all legal bases, assessment documents, survey and tests conclusions and other documents related to the entire process of conducting AIM's inspected activities.
The delivery and receipt of sample record (or taken samples in the site) must be sealed and recorded in writing
Validation results are valid on the Inspection of that sample (avoid anybody and / or companies requesting inspection on this gem ore sample but copy the certificate to use for another type of ore)
Certificate of Results / Conclusion (03 Originals) must have a signature and a fresh seal (avoid the case "Certificate of inspection is forged"
Contents of certification of expertising conclusions
AIM Control (AIM Group®) Company authority and inspector / laboratory tester
The person / company who requests to AIM’s expertise services
Witness Person / Agency and other related
Written letter of requirement for AIM’s inspection services
Information identifying the samples and subject of inspection
Time (date) of receipt an application / order
The required content for providing of inspection and certificate services
Place of delivery (or taking) of sample and seal number
Method of conducting inspection or testing
Conclusion on the inspection completed on the day / month / year
In case of doubt that AIM's assessment quality inspection certificate has been forged by another party, please contact us immediately at: +888889879 Dr Capt. Nhan or email: