AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage expertise surveyor is expert in providing damage & loss surveys, damage joint inspection, damage investigation, damage extent & estimation of damages, damage caused finding, root of damage survey, liability claim adjusting as third party inspection with AIM Control (AIM Group®) independent surveyors, inspectors, engineers, expertise consultant in Marine, Industry and Agriculture fields based in Vietnam, China, India, Korea, Asia, Europe, the Middle East Anywhere of Countries. Our Local Email: ,
Damage Expertise surveyors
Damage inspectors
Damage experts
Damage investigators
Damage joint survey
Damage joint inspection
Damage appraisal
Damage identifying
Damage prevention witness and supervision
Damage inspection
Damage investigation
Damage survey
Damage cargo analysis
Damage equipment testing
Quality analysis and damage inspection
P&I Correspondent
Investigation and finding causes and root of damage/ loss
Damage fire survey, investigation & inspection
Insurance & liability survey, investigation & inspection
Liability and responsible survey, investigation & inspection
Business liability survey, investigation & inspection
Third party inspection survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Professional indemnity survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage product survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage cargo and ship survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage commodity survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage goods survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage equipment survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage Industry properties survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage Agriculture goods survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage Marine survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage shipping survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage shipment survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damage transportation survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Damaged foods liability survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Claim damaged survey, expertise surveyors & investigation in logistics
Claim handling &/or damage assessment
Damage repairs process monitoring, supervising (to be carried out)
Damage salvage
Damage salvage tender/ bid
Damage Prevention and minimizing loss advices and consultant
Damage &/or loss adjusting
Damage marine cargo ship survey, expertise surveyors & expertise investigation
Marine accident expertise survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Marine ship accident survey, expertise surveyors & investigation
Accident expertise survey, surveyors & investigation
Cargo damage expertise survey, surveyors & investigation
Damage experts
Damage independent surveyors
Damage independent expertise inspectors
Damage independent expertise investigators
Damage independent experts
Chartered expertise surveyors
Damage cargo and container expertise survey, surveyors & investigation
Outturn survey
Damage collision survey
Damage witness
Damage expertise others activities (basing on client requirement)
AGRICULTURE damaged experts surveyors in.
INDUSTRY damaged experts inspectors in.
MARINE damaged experts surveyors and consultant in.
AIM Control (AIM Group®) conducted the damage survey for the ship's cargo hold was holed and cargo damaged by ballast warter in Sai Gon Port of Vietnam
AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage suirveyors is carried out the damage survey, extent inspection & cause investigation on Refrigerator System of ship (at Busan Port of Korea)
The evidences of AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage extent & cause survey / inspection carried on accidents of wood boat wrecked, ship damaged after collision in the river of Vietnam (Ship hit boat)
Also see the Evidences of AIM Control's Fire survey / extent inspection and root cause investigation carried on accidents of industry field. (Factory's equipment fire) in Vietnam
Also see the Evidences of AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage cargo sampling, analysis and damage cargo survey carried on Meat and Bone Meal and containers damaged (at buyer's warehouse in Vietnam)
Also see the Evidences of AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage survey / extent inspection & root cause investigation carried on white rice in bags damaged by raining water at the ship's holds (at holds of ship during loading, hatches closed no in time & Main deck corroded/ rusted to cause the rice wet by raining water)
Also see the Evidences of AIM Control (AIM Group®) damage survey / extent inspection & root cause investigation carried on imported fresh fruits foods and cartons damaged (at buyer's factory warehouse in Vietnam)