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Inspection Audit Certification to Company

Inspection Audit Certification to Company

Inspection Audit Certification to Company

Inspection Audit Certification to Company

The Inspection Audit Certification to companies and organizations are to recognise globally as a symbol of compliance with established standards and business excellence.

AIM Control certified company trust that their business will be handled according to the most stringent quality, environmental and safety requirements.

AIM Control approach is transparent and logical, which is what makes AIM Control the ideal partner towards continuous improvement. We do not turn audits into the simple filling of a checklist and checking document systems.

 AIM Control auditors are hand selected and trained based on their technical expertise and their ability to listen to customers’ needs and being objective and ethical at all times.

AIM Control adapts its organization and resources to the needs of its customers, integrating into their information flows and value chain. This is the way AIM Control provides customers with a complete, diversified and complementary service to fulfill their needs.

  • Environmental Management Systems Certification
  • Quality Management Systems Certification
  • Customized Audit Solutions/Supplier Assessments
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventories And Projects
  • Sustainability Report Assurance

Environmental Management Systems Certification

Auditing environmental management systems and certifying them against the ISO 14001:2004 standard enables customers to demonstrate their commitment to the environment and opening up new business opportunities with environmentally aware customers or consumers. Internally, it improves employee ethics and helps to make a better use of energy and resources, reducing costs over the long-term.

Benefits for you

  • Continuous improvement through improved systems/process control
  • Harmonized process approach across your supplier network and your organization
  • Enhanced ability to respond your customers’ and stakeholders’ needs (quality, safety, environment, safety, social compliance)
  • Efficiency in the audit process through a globally consistent approach and with a single-point of contact at AIM Control


Quality Management Systems Certification

Beyond certification, AIM Control provides customized solutions to increase the quality and efficiency of business processes as well as training that enables the pursuit of excellence at every level of a customer


Customized Audit Solutions/Supplier Assessments

Customized Audit Solutions from AIM Control enable customers to roll out and monitor the performance criteria defined in their business strategy. By monitoring the adherence of the customer and its supplier networks to these requirements, AIM Control helps ensure that products or services meet customer quality standards and requirements, preserving brand integrity and equity and company values throughout the supply chain


Occupational Health & Safety

OHSAS 18001 certification enables organizations to manage operational risks and improve performance. It also provides guidance on how to manage the health and safety aspects of business activities more effectively, while taking into careful consideration accident prevention, risk reduction and the wellbeing of employees.


Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Projects

 The AIM Control Climate Change Program offers a comprehensive range of services addressing the growing need for mandatory and voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. AIM Control verifies the accuracy and environmental integrity of emissions reporting. A company’s stakeholders need to know that their emissions reporting is accurate, reliable and consistent with global standards.


Certificate of Inspection 

Sale of goods and services purchased to determine the quality, packaging, quantity and specifications. . . under the purchase agreements and contracts or public standards. Service assessment certificate of inspection company AIM Control is provided after the inspection of cargo import and export related quality inspection, packaging inspection, examination number, examination specifications, assessment of weight, counting, monitoring rate / unloading of goods. . . AIM Control Inspection Company to verify the accuracy and integrity of goods and specific reports to customers.

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