AIM Control (AIM Group®) offers accident incident loss control or prevention services is limited RISK in the production, trade and transportation, insurance process. Our goals are to reduce risks, minimize losses and damage, and to write down prevention procedures of damage / loss.
AIM Control (AIM Group®) Inspection Group technical engineering & experts & expertise of experienced and qualified inspectors able to attend to most Risks management from accident incident loss prevention to the major causing of your claims arisen email:,
LOSS PREVENTION- activities are to prevent of loss risks (before incident / accident/ damage) as supervision, inspection & expertise, consultant aiming safety for subject and object.
LOSS REDUCTION- actions are to reduce of losses arising (after damage/loss & claim) as investigation & finding out the root causes of damage/loss incident / accident, extent appraisal of damage/loss incident / accident, salvage of damage/loss, reducing of damage/loss arising.)
AIM Control's marine & cargo claim surveyors conducted the insurance claim survey services for shipping & others
A job of LOSS prevention & RISKS control is to supervise, inspect, survey, consult, measure, sampling, test, analysis, calculate, verify, audit, appraise, identify, control and certify on subjects, objects.
There are many subject and object to control on accident incident damage
AIM Control's maritime warranty consultant and experts conducted the loss control & risks prevention services for towing at sea
AIM Control's Tally men clerks and supervisors conducted the Risks control services for cargo loaded into vessel' cargo holds
AIM Control's loading warranty inspector conducted the Risks control services for cargo loaded into container