Powdered cooked chicken quality inspection
Powdered cooked chicken quality inspection & Certificate
AIM Control (AIM Group®) offer the skin and meal powdered cooked chicken quality inspection for export of trade and insurance claim at all of locals of seller and buyers.
The powdered cooked chicken skin and meal quality
This product is produced by spray drying chicken in an approved factory according to EC regulations 852/2004 and 853/2004.

- Cooked chicken skin (60%)
- cooked chicken meat (18%)
- chicken broth (14%)
- salt (8%) and
- antioxidant: extract of rosemary (0, 1%).
Physical standards
- Appearance: Fine powder, 100% to pass a 16 mesh sieve.
- Colour: Light brown
- Flavour and aroma: Characteristic of cooked chicken.
Chemical and nutritional standards
- Moisture 5% maximum
- Protein 36% minimum
- Carbohydrates 0% (which Sugars 0%)
- Salt 10% (which Sodium 4% max)
- Fibres 0%
- Fat 49% (which Max of Saturated fat 4%, mono unsaturated fat 25%, poly unsaturated fat 10%, trans fatty acids 1%)
- Energy + 2390 kJ / + 570 kcal
Microbiological standards (Limits & Method)
- Standard plate count < 25.000/g with ISO 4833-1
- Enterobacteriaceae < 100/g with NEN-ISO 21528-2
- Yeasts and moulds < 100/g with ISO 79 54
- E-coli < 10/g with ISO 16649-2
- Salmonella negative in 25 g with ISO 6579
Shelf life

- Polyethylene lined fibre cartons containing 25 kg net weight.
- In compliance with EC regulations 1935/2004 and 10/2011
This kind of food is very easy to smells good for ants, stickers, rats and mice on its fragrance caused contamination.
- Require label in accordance with Directive 2007/68/EC amending Annex IIIa to Directive 2000/ 13/EC.
- Dry and at ambient temperature.
GMO Status
- According to EC regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 Powdered cooked chicken skin and meat can be inspected by exporter's requirement in declared as GMO free.
- None of the produced products or used ingredients are treated with ionizing radiation.
The cooked chicken powder made by factory from dehydrated chicken meat and skin that has a roasted chicken taste with fatty, AIM Control (AIM Group®) will control and inspection to certificate on quality, sanitary, GMO, etc from supplier to consumer to community safety as well damage / loss cargo survey for underwariter.

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