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Offshore Marine Surveyor

Offshore Marine Surveyor

Offshore Marine Surveyor

Offshore Marine Surveyor

The activity and role offshore marine surveyors are completed the marine job in best via their experience, skill, depth knowledge, independence and smart situational solution when arisen.

The activities of a offshore marine surveyor are inspections, surveys, examinations, assesses, monitors, supervisions, checks, investigations, tallies, audits, controls, safety, predict, preventions, providing, statistics, collects, determine, identify, verification, comparison, calculates, measurement, tests, samples, seals, considerations, estimating, appraisal, exclusion, witness expertise, consulting, rule of law, standards, clauses, or regulations, and other activities after that make final reports on their results finding and conclusion or recommendation.


In addition to professional competence, the roles of a marine surveyor are to be honest, independent, transparent and diligence to protect the interests of the Client within the limits allowed by law. It also called the responsibility and liability under assignment as a representor.

A marine surveyor must defend his/her opinions in reported and there are obtained evidences for proving.

The reports of a marine surveyor's finding of results are only issued to the client.


The following are some main of the maritime activities and roles of offshore marine surveyors of  AIM Control (AIM Group®)


With over 50 years of experience in the activity and role maritime marine surveying, AIM Group has brought vast benefits to customers.

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